Book Review: Beauty and Truth in Love by Dipankar Sadhukhan

Beauty and Truth in Love by Dipankar Sadhukhan is the name of the work of a young poet. He expresses himself through modern, essential, overwhelming thoughts to dig and penetrate the soul to express himself in words, sometimes simple and clear, sometimes in search of an answer.

Poetry is beauty returned. It returned to those who read the poems in this collection. The poems recalls that love involves a totality, in which all components of the body and instinct, power of feeling and affectivity, aspiration of the spirit and of the will. It aims at a deeply personal unity, one that, beyond union in one flesh, leads to forming one heart and soul. It demands indissolubility and fidelity of mutual giving.

Love is therefore the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being. As an incarnate spirit, that soul that is expressed in the body and a body informed by an immortal spirit, man is called to love in unified totality. The voice of the heart is full of feelings that are modulated on the strings. The author follows a route with bright expressive images that are mainly from nature that become meditative accents.

The poems find itself in the language of flowers and the breath of faith in a walk toward the true light, a light without end. The poems are an ongoing dialogue to the mystery that seems absent. They are wrapped in darkness, surrounded by the fatigue of a difficult meeting. The poetry looks like a precious jewel to be thrown on the streets of the world. Because man can pick it up realizing, appreciate and cherish.

Writing poetry is always a word of openness to others, a valuable source of messages of solidarity, friendship, commitment, responsibility perceived without location, the beautiful surrounds in a definition. Beauty is a permanent concept intuitively and is presented as a illuminative symbol.

The poems create vibrant emotions. They endeavour to grasp the essences of life and clear dark reflections of movement’s not always linear. They intersect expressions into extreme depths, poignant and picturesque in an urban framework. It opens the world in the eyes of love, which opens the rational search of love. It eliminates the love without love, bringing back all the nature of love itself.

The poet draws inspiration from the contemporary poetry with introspection that puts at the centre of revelation. It gives the ability to tell the things around us, between the feelings and cynicism of a human essence that always and forever, is in search of itself. The poems remains kidnapped from the direction of thought, and also by the simplicity of words in the verses. These are sometimes broken, deliberately, to give discontinuity in perceptions.

Roses, thorns, suffering in love, the search for answers, certainties, which expresses the magnitude of the trust. And which carry a beautiful passage are the emotions of beauty that returned. These poems evoke the reading, representing a narrative of great intensity. It is returned to art the beauty of a young poet who gives you even look at the culture with great inspiration and hope.

The poems are a cry for love of life in every detail. The author speaks and writes with a grammar and syntax that are apparently part of the language. It take the moves who lives the relationship in a original creative way. Listen to nature, creation, the universe, because through them she understands who the man. It is the mystery of beauty that continues to fascinate with a summary that is based on the totality of truth and eternal life.

Format: Paperback ♥ Pages: 176 ♥ Publisher: Cyberwit ♥ Published: January 2016 ♥ Language: English ♥ ISBN-13: 978-8182536517
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